From the classroom to the boardroom

Collaborative Intelligence (CQ) and why it matters

What is CQ?

Collaborative Intelligence (CQ) goes beyond individual brilliance; it's about the synergy that emerges when unique minds come together to achieve joint goals. It's the ability to utilize collective knowledge, skills, and experiences to innovate, problem-solve, and adapt in dynamic environments.

Employing our distinctive 40CQ Framework, our team of international experts collaborates with both corporate and educational sectors to foster Cultural Intelligence (CQ) development spanning from the classroom to the boardroom.

In today's remote work era, the traditional dynamics of collaboration have evolved. As teams adapt to virtual and more diverse, complex environments, it's natural to question whether the essence of collaboration can be preserved. At Legacy Education Group, we believe that while the landscape may have shifted, the spirit of collaboration remains steadfast, adaptable, and absolutely necessary.

Develop your CQ

Our 40CQ Framework is tailored for educational and business environments, spanning from K-12 to higher education, to remote employees and C-suite executives. Each CQ Framework includes a comprehensive collaborative program that incorporates monitoring and evaluation methods to determine success. We are so confident in our tailored programming that we are offering a free download of our 40CQ Framework indicators. These serve as guideposts, facilitating the development of Collaborative Intelligence (CQ) across diverse settings, from the boardroom to the classroom. Through targeted assessment and strategic interventions, we empower individuals and organizations to cultivate a culture of collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, driving sustained growth and excellence at every level. With a unique focus on neurodiversity, our CQ Framework sets us apart, enabling us to position you uniquely to leverage the diverse gifts, talents, and abilities of an increasingly diverse workforce.



Great minds don’t think alike. They collaborate.