Learn more about how you can develop a more creative, collaborative curriculum.

Creative & Collaborative Curriculum

Great minds don’t think alike. They collaborate.

Through our Creative & Collaborative Curriculum Program, your school will embark on a transformative journey towards holistic education, empowering students and staff to thrive in an inclusive and dynamic learning community.

This service is designed to empower your school to become a Learning Together Environment, fostering deep learning and community across all levels, including staff, students, and families. Through our systematic and measurable approach, your school team will embark on a transformative journey to:

  1. Establish a tangible and practical purpose for social-emotional strengthening (SES), promoting holistic development among students and staff alike.

  2. Shift staff attitudes towards prioritizing learning over mere performance, cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and growth.

  3. Develop a deeper awareness of the Three Ways of Viewing Classroom Teaching and Learning, enriching pedagogical practices and student engagement.

  4. Cultivate an intrinsic sense of accountability for what is possible, inspiring proactive leadership and innovation within the school community.

  5. Conduct an audit and co-creation of Learning Together activities with students and staff, ensuring alignment with evolving educational needs and aspirations.

  6. Provide curricular opportunities for students to exercise greater autonomy and ownership in their educational journey, fostering a sense of empowerment and engagement.

  7. Utilize Learning Walks as a form of teacher and leadership development, promoting reflective practices and collaborative learning.

  8. Offer professional learning and training opportunities in areas such as learning and additional needs, including dyslexia, dyscalculia, communication and interaction, reading, writing, and behavior, ensuring that staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills to support diverse student populations effectively.